
University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) Institute for Human Development (IHD) has identified seven priorities through which it organizes all activities and visions, allowing the Institute to effectively identify and serve needs across the entire lifespan. 

Early Childhood Innovation Center

The Early Childhood Innovation Center (ECIC) focuses on supporting children with and without developmental disabilities from birth through eight years of age.

Family Support

UMKC-IHD is committed to addressing the whole-support needs of families.

Health and Aging

The range of issues encompasses living arrangements, person-centered retirement planning, relationship development, health care planning and decision making.

Health Equity

UMKC-IHD is committed to improving health equity, where all people have a fair and just opportunity to achieve their best health.

Individual Advocacy

UMKC-IHD supports individual advocacy to meet the needs of people with developmental disabilities.

Maternal and Child Health

UMKC-IHD's Maternal and Child Health initiative provides research and evaluation support to community-based programs serving women and their young children from underserved or vulnerable backgrounds.

State Systems Change

UMKC-IHD aims to improve access to information and services and create an easier, consumer-driven, more-efficient user journey for individuals and families who need long-term services and supports.